Jeff Sessions Answering NSA Wiretapping: U.S. Can Kill Enemy Without Miranda Warnings

I'm no lawyer, but my friend David thought this sounded odd. Sessions was answering a question about the NSA wiretapping that Bush is involved in and

I'm no lawyer, but my friend David thought this sounded odd. Sessions was answering a question about the NSA wiretapping that Bush is involved in and said:

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Sessions: When you authorize the military to use force, they can kill the enemy without a Miranda warning. They can put them in jail without a trial- and be able to intercept their communications is legitimate.

I don't know how that addresses the question of the NSA wiretapping.

Jeralyn writes:

"A problem is with Sessions analogy is that the NSA warrantless wiretap flap is not about spying on the enemy, but spying on ordinary Americans without a required court order....read on


Well, that may be true on the battlefield -- but what about on the streets of the United States?
When we throw out due process of law, can we continue to call ourselves a beacon of liberty and democracy? Or are we just another two-bit dictatorship? Should we re-animate Stalin now, or what?...
read on

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