Ann Coulter At CPAC On "Ragheads" And Assassinating Bill Clinton (and Dr. Bill Frist's Diagnosis)

Ann Coulter at CPAC on "Ragheads" and Assassinating Bill Clinton (and Dr. Bill Frist's Diagnosis) And they call us grubby-angry leftist bloggers. M

Ann Coulter at CPAC on "Ragheads" and Assassinating Bill Clinton (and Dr. Bill Frist's Diagnosis)

And they call us grubby-angry leftist bloggers.

Max Blumenthal infiltrated CPAC and here's what she said to an adoring audience. Frist of course instead of denouncing her- tosses the "no comment" line:

"I think our motto should be post-9-11, 'raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.'" (This declaration prompted a boisterous ovation.)

"Coulter on killing Bill Clinton: (Responding to a question from a Catholic University student about her biggest moral or ethical dilemna) "There was one time I had a shot at Clinton. I thought 'Ann, that's not going to help your career.'"

"Coulter on moderate Republicans: "There is more dissent on a slave plantation then amongst moderates in the Republican party."

After Coulter's speech, I approached Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist in the CPAC exhibitor's hall. I asked him what he thought of Coulter's characterization 15 minutes earlier of Muslims as "ragheads." HIs reply? "I wasn't there so I better not comment."

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