Meet Barbara Comstock

Barbara Comstock, former high level employee in John Ashcroft's DoJ now working on behalf of Scooter Libby as head of Scooter Libby's defense fund. I

Barbara Comstock, former high level employee in John Ashcroft's DoJ now working on behalf of Scooter Libby as head of Scooter Libby's defense fund. I have a small video clip from last year of her on Crossfire defending Tom Delay before he was indicted.

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(Isn't it funny how Lieberman's name keeps surfacing when a right winger needs an "out" for something)


"Whether or not it is "just fundraising," it is still wrong. Comstock would have been privy to high level meetings about the information gathered by the FBI, how the DoJ could best publicly respond to questions about Rove, Libby and other members of the Administration and their conduct -- and to do so, she would also have likely had contacts with the FBI investigators heading up the search for information. Think that kind of information wouldn't be valuable to Team Libby?...read on"

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