Pat Robertson On The Hot Seat?

Pat Robertson on the Hot Seat? "Fellow conservative religious leaders have expressed concern and even open criticism over Pat Robertson's habit of sh

Pat Robertson on the Hot Seat?
"Fellow conservative religious leaders have expressed concern and even open criticism over Pat Robertson's habit of shooting from the hip on his daily religious news-and-talk television program, "The 700 Club." The Christian Coalition founder and former GOP presidential candidate has said American agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for pulling Israel out of the Gaza on

I wish more religious leaders would speak out against these phony men of God. People like Robertson, Dobson and Falwell only diminsh the good that many people of faith perform throughout the world. When will the talking heads include other religious leaders on their shows to voice concerns other than bashing gay rights and attacking anyone who is for a separation of church and state?

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