Katrina Vanden Heuvel Kicks It On The Panel

Katrina was one of the panelists on "THIS WEEK " and did a really nice job. I'll let Drift Glass give you the play by play: [media id=14694]-WMP [m

Katrina was one of the panelists on "THIS WEEK " and did a really nice job. I'll let Drift Glass give you the play by play:

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Drift Glass

"She of the beautiful, bee-stung lips, razor-studded, pear-shaped prose and raven hair brings the Big Heat and positively kills George Will. Not just hits him, but punches right on through the quivering, truckling piñata of thesauran Jell-O that is George Will. And rolls on so strong and clear and passionate that she actually cracked Cokie Roberts’ Lucite Hair open wide enough that the funky, fungus-y moths that nest up there fluttered out, flapped erratically once or twice and died under the bright studio lights. It was so relentless that Cokie Roberts had to drop any pretense of even token once-upon-a-time moderateness, hop aboard her “Vroom Broom” and fly to the rescue of Po’ George....read on"

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