The Roots Kick Off-Kansas

Our State Roots project kicks off this morning. We're asking people to write to local newspapers in Kansas about the Senate hearings into the illegal

Our State Roots project kicks off this morning. We're asking people to write to local newspapers in Kansas about the Senate hearings into the illegal NSA wiretaps:

Glenn Greenwald:

As demonstrated by this week's controversy over President Bush's decision to turn operations of some of this country's most important ports over to the United Arab Emirates, Congress has a critically important role to play in exercising oversight over the Executive branch, even in areas of national security. Our nation was founded on a system of checks and balances because even well-intentioned political officials are prone to errors in judgment. read on...

Thoughts From Kansas:

When I first heard about the warrantless wiretapping, I was sarcastic, furious, intemperate. I was quick to attack the President, rather than to explain why I saw a problem in a way that someone who disagreed would understand. Calling the President "The Peeping Tom in Chief" was funny, but I doubt it changed any minds. read on...

FDL and Vichy Dems have address and contact info for Kansas papers.

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