Oscar Open Thread

Here's the list. I like the Oscars and with Jon Stewart hosting the show there should be some laughs. Maybe Clooney will get the chance to thank Jac

Here's the list.

I like the Oscars and with Jon Stewart hosting the show there should be some laughs. Maybe Clooney will get the chance to thank Jack Abramoff again.

Of the best movie category I really enjoyed Good Night and Good Luck, Brokeback Mountain and Crash. I only "liked" Syrianna, but Clooney was great in it. Reese Witherspoon has been a favorite of mine ever since I saw her in "The Man in the Moon." Joaquin Phoenix was excellent playing Johnny Cash in "I Walk the Line," as well.

I know that many of the lunatic fringe-conservative groups are really rooting for "Brokeback Mountain" to win so they can amp up their whining for at least another week about the movie business.

Clooney wins best supporting actor:

"And finally, I would say that, you know, we are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. I think it's probably a good thing. We're the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn't really popular. And we, you know, we bring up subjects. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I'm proud to be a part of this Academy. Proud to be part of this community, and proud to be out of touch."

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