Remembering The Iraq War's Pollyanna Pundits

Choose your favorite one. FAIR just ran a report on what the pundits said. FAIR: "Weeks after the invasion of Iraq began, Fox News Channel host B

Choose your favorite one. FAIR just ran a report on what the pundits said.


"Weeks after the invasion of Iraq began, Fox News Channel host Brit Hume delivered a scathing speech critiquing the media's supposedly pessimistic assessment of the Iraq War. "The majority of the American media who were in a position to comment upon the progress of the war in the early going, and even after that, got it wrong," Hume complained in the April 2003 speech (Richmond Times Dispatch, 4/25/04). "They didn't get it just a little wrong. They got it completely wrong."...read on"

Remember when Brit "time to buy" Hume, talked about the stock market immediately after the London bombing?

Hume:... just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, "Hmmm, time to buy."

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