David Asman: "Remember The Alamo!"

David Asman: "Remember the Alamo!" More weirdness from "Your World with Neil Cavuto." David Asman substituted for Neil today and the topic was "Mexi

David Asman: "Remember the Alamo!"

More weirdness from "Your World with Neil Cavuto." David Asman substituted for Neil today and the topic was "Mexico: Friend or Foe on Illegal Immigration?" At one point the guest Colin Hanna, talked about Vicente Fox's role in the immigration controversy. Asman said these next few sentences fairly measured, but this exchange is just plain odd.

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Hanna said that while he wouldn't "put the finger of blame specifically on encouraging," Mexico's president, Vicente Fox, has "certainly" undertaken "a set of activities" which "amounts to tacit approval" of immigration. He said Fox and his government "should be there, trying their best to keep their people from leaving their country illegally."

David Asman: "Well, if he's actually encouraging an invasion of our borders, I mean, that's grounds for warfare. Are you suggesting we actually go to war with Mexico? We haven't done that in about a hundred and fifty years."

Hanna: "Of course not, David."

Asman: "Well, remember the Alamo. That's what I was going to say to you."

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