Hewitt Compare Daily Kos To Larry Flynt
In typical fashion, Hewitt attacks Markos in the exact same way he says that left wing blogs attack others. I'm sure his being in the front lines of
Hewitt, who lost most of his credibility in the previous segment, when he called George Bush the Republicans' best asset in 2006, lost the rest of it during this one. "Thats an accurate representation. It does not go to name-calling. It goes to the facts of the Democratic left." He claimed "a strain" has taken over the blogosphere on the left and ruined the Democratic Party. Colmes responded that the right is very guilty of accusing the left of being anti-religious, hateful and bigoted.
Hewitt, in another fit of "not name-calling," went on to refer to the Daily Kos blog as "vulgar and profane." When Colmes defended Kos as one that he likes and one that is the most popular, Hewitt said, "So has Larry Flynt got a lot of readership They are the same line of rhetoric."...read on
Comparing Markos to a pornographer isn't vulgar and profane? It's pretty pathetic really. He talks about cutting taxes, but on Feb.18th-05, Hewitt was on with Joe Scarborough, and said that it was OK to raise taxes to help Social Security. Joe said: "All right, Let me write this down. Hugh Hewitt, OK with tax increases. I will remember this when theres a Democrat in the White House." So much for being a conservative.