The New York Review Of Books On "Crashing The Gate"

There's a great new front page article that reviews Jerome and Markos' new book, "Crashing the Gate," and profiles Daily Kos and the community that Ma

There's a great new front page article that reviews Jerome and Markos' new book, "Crashing the Gate," and profiles Daily Kos and the community that Markos has built. It's a piece that finally gets things right about the blogosphere that so many have failed to do.

Author Bill McKibben, also mentions FireDogLake, Talking Points Memo, Eschaton, Crooksandliars, Juan Cole, and The Huffington Post, saying:

"Each of these sites, and the hundreds of others they link to, has its own personality; if there are qualities that unite them, they would include skepticism about government claims and a tone of cynical humor about the pretensions of the Bush administration."

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