Hitchens Calls Armitage-Colin Powell's Bitch: Gets Edited

Christopher who is not one to mince words even surprised Chris Matthews today. Fresh off of Robert Sheer's new article in which Colin Powell proclaim

Christopher who is not one to mince words even surprised Chris Matthews today. Fresh off of Robert Sheer's new article in which Colin Powell proclaims that Iraq never posed a serious nuclear threat-Hitchens responds to Evan Thomas' defense of Powell.
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Thomas: He (Powell) wasn't against the war. He was against doing the war right then. If you talk to Richard Armitage-his aid, they were ready to go to war-they just didn't want to do it that year...

Hitchens: his aid (garbled)...his bitch you mean.

Matthews: His what?

Hitchens: His bitch, why aren't you, why are you calling Colin Powell a good soldier...

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