Michele Malkin Crosses The Line At UC Santa Cruz And Makes Personal Info Public

Michele Malkin crosses the line at UC Santa Cruz and Makes Personal Info Public

Here's a video from FOX & Friends with Cody James, a student at the university who wanted to see the recruiters and says the protesters were not violent.
Whatever your beliefs are regarding military recruiting at colleges, Michelle Malkin crosses the line of decency by printing the telephone numbers of the students that formed the protest. They have been receiving death threats non-stop. An email-er wrote me and said:

"The protest was reported on by Hannity and OReilly. Michelle Malkin put actual students' phone numbers on her blog and they've been getting death threats nonstop."

In her update to the post Michelle writes:

"SAW has removed the contact information from its press release and is now lying about the fact that it made the info publicly available on the Internet. I am leaving it up. If you are contacting them, I do not condone death threats or foul language. As for SAW, my message is this: You are responsible for your individual actions. Other individuals are responsible for theirs. Grow up and take responsibility."

Obviously the death threats are emanating from her blog and she knows it. Malkin understands the nature of the fear and outrage she causes. Will she take responsibility when somebody gets hurt? Here's another example of the fear-mongering she causes. Read Cathy Young's Boston Globe column.

Here's an article about the affair.

Another email: "She REPRINTED the numbers. The death threats have started again with a vengeance." She's basically blaming the victim, saying "we asked for it." But we only sent the contact info to the PRESS (not her site) along with our press release and then we specifically asked HER to remove them, when there were death threats (we've published some on our site), she's refusing."

"The basic thing is, she's trying to make us sound like lunatic vandals and criminals so that her fanatical audience feels justified in sending us death threats. The action was completely peaceful and it was blown out of proportion. Malkin says: "SAW is trying to cover its tracks again and has wiped the info from the cached version." Does she have any understanding of how google cache works? We don't have the power to "wipe it."

(If you contact her please don't stoop to the levels that her readers are.)


Here are some of the threats on SAW's homepage.

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