
It's amazing how quickly Drudge's nonsense gets passed around as fact by certain right wing bloggers. Why would Roger Simon, who should know a little

It's amazing how quickly Drudge's nonsense gets passed around as fact by certain right wing bloggers. Why would Roger Simon, who should know a little about the book industry write this utter fabrication without any proof?

"Although it underscores what we already knew-that Glenn Reynolds (whose book is selling much better) has remarkable respect in the blogosphere for his integrity and intelligence - I must say I am surprised at the relatively pathetic sales figures for Markos Zuniga"

"Crashing the Gate," is in the Top Fifty on Amazon while Glenn Greenwald is still #1. (via tbogg:) "Michelle Malkin? #1,172 Glenn Reynolds? #1049. Hugh Hewitt? #7,300. all are in the toilet compared to Kos.

Kos explains it in more detail.

Glenn Greenwald examines it thoroughly:

"Don't they have somewhere lurking in their brain any critical faculties at all? For the sake of one's own integrity and reputation if nothing else, who would read an undocumented assertion on Drudge -- no matter how much of an emotional need they feel for it to be true -- and then run around reflexively reciting it as truth, writing whole posts celebrating it and analyzing it, without bothering to spend a second of time or a molecule of mental energy trying to figure out if it's really true?...read on

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