Bolten Gets Called Out
Did the reporter watch "The Colbert Report," before she asked John Bolton these questions? Bolton certainly didn't like it. [media id=1504
(rough transcript)
Q: Quite often about he credibility of the UN, and it seems that
Bolton: And so has Secretary Rice..
Q: Yes and Rice has as well, but that seems to work in your favor when they do what you want them to do, but you violated the UN charter when you went to war against Iraq and you constantly lied to us about the reasons we went to war. 1996 with the Project of New American Century and, you know, why do you have credibility other than you just got the bigger guns?
Bolton: May I ask what media outlet you're from?
Q: (garbled) Weekly.
Bolton: I see. We did not violate the UN charter in the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein and that plan was not drawn up in (H) at the Project for the New American Century.
(h/t David Edwards for the video)