Ava Lowery, 15 Year Old Girl: Peace Takes Courage

Ava Lowery, 15 Year old girl: Peace takes courage Dkos: "It seems that a young woman by the name of Ava Lowery, a 15-year-old from Alabama has b

Ava Lowery, 15 Year old girl: Peace takes courage

Dkos: "It seems that a young woman by the name of Ava Lowery, a 15-year-old from Alabama has been getting death threats for a powerful video she produced called "WWJD" (What Would Jesus Do), a powerful animation that features a soundtrack of a child singing "Jesus loves me, this I know"...read on"

Here are all her videos.

Mia Culpa:

"Ava Lowery is a fifteen-year-old who lives in Alabama. She calls herself a peace activist, and for the past year, she's been producing her own short animations on her website, peacetakescourage.com. "I was just so mad about it," she explains. "And the media are not showing the real images of the war, so I did a lot research and started my own website."

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