
Colbert I haven't heard much about Colbert on 24/7, but are they ever playing up the Bush routine with his impersonator. Let me know if you actually


I haven't heard much about Colbert on 24/7, but are they ever playing up the Bush routine with his impersonator. Let me know if you actually hear a pundit talk about Stephen.

reader William emails: Chris Mathews said something to the effect that Bush was self deprecating with his impersonator" but that Colbert's comments were not appropriate because "not only is the President a politician but he's the head of state"


President Bush on Saturday night had the audience at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in stitches. With doppelganger comedian Steve Bridges alongside -- playing his inner self -- Bush poked gentle fun of his own mangling of the English language, his belligerence and his feelings about the media. Then Comedy Central satirist Stephen Colbert ripped those stitches out. Colbert was merciless, reserving his most potent zingers for the people in spitting distance: The president who took the nation to war on false pretenses and the press corps that let him do it.

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