Krisiten Breitweiser And Joe Biden

Krisiten Breitweiser and Joe Biden Biden and Kristen appeared on "Hardball," yesterday. Kristen pounded away at the fact that George Tenet

Krisiten Breitweiser and Joe Biden
Biden and Kristen appeared on "Hardball," yesterday. Kristen pounded away at the fact that George Tenet and two FBI agents were given a pass after they refused to issue FISA warrants and information and why does the City of N.Y. still not have their act together.
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BREITWEISER: Yes, I have to say two things really. No. 1, now that the Moussaoui penalty phase is over, I certainly hope that the information will be flowing freely to the American people. For four years, I and many other 9/11 family members have fought very hard to have information released go the public, information about governmental failures. We were always told that we couldn‘t have that information because it would harm Moussaoui‘s right to a fair trial.

Having said that, I would appreciate someone asking either Senator Biden or former Mayor Giuliani, if their standard for death is withholding information from the FBI that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks—how then are we excusing FBI agents Maltbie and Frasca, who were accused, or allegedly accused in the Moussaoui penalty phase itself, of being criminally negligent with regard to giving a FISA warrant. How would you explain George Tenet, who withheld information about two of the 9/11 hijackers for 18 months from the FBI—information that certainly would have gone a long way into preventing those attacks. And I‘d like to know, where are we drawing the line here, what is the threshold, and why are we not holding those types of people in our own government accountable? on

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