Tom Delay Vs Howard Dean

Tom Delay vs Howard Dean Both Dean and Delay were guests on "This Week," and debated the issues at hand. Delay tries to point out a few Dem

Tom Delay vs Howard Dean
Both Dean and Delay were guests on "This Week," and debated the issues at hand. Delay tries to point out a few Democrats that have ethics problems while being indicted himself. Now that is a laugh. The RNC's plan to revive their withering base is to get out the vote by producing ads trying to scare them about "impeachment." Dean said:
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(Rough transcript)

Dean: They just make that stuff up over there I think at the RNC, the truth is we got some big problems in this country. We've got a major health problem. We're losing jobs, the economy is in good shape if you look at the corporate earnings, but for eighty percent of the American people they're struggling. We're in a war that the President says he wants to pass on to the next president to fix. This is ridiculous what's going in Washington. I'm sure there are going to be investigations because we're going to stop the culture of corruption...

Steph: Are you worried if they keep on talking about this, and if Americans believe that impeachment is on the table...

Dean: I think George, the day has come and gone long before any body's going to believe anything the Republican party says about anything. This President has misled the nation, not just about political stuff, Medicare part D rammed through in the middle of the night totally, and by the way Tom Delay has mentioned that we are trying to dissuade our people from signing up for Medicare.

That is just outrageous. My mother is 77 years old. She needs that program, we're not going to take her out signing up for her, it's better than nothing. It's just a mess and badly run..it's costing the tax payers millions and millions of dollars. So we have a real agenda that we need to deal with. The Republicans are not credible anymore as a governmental force ...

(h/t David Edwards for the vid)

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