Katherine Harris: We've Turned It Around

Katherine Harris: We've turned it around Katherine just loves Hannity & Colmes. She appeared last night to calm all our fears about her campaign.

Katherine Harris: We've turned it around
Katherine just loves Hannity & Colmes. She appeared last night to calm all our fears about her campaign. it was great to hear her say that she turned it all around. She does respectively disagree with that traitor Governor from Florida.
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Colmes asked her about her dealings with illegal campaign contribution from Mitchell Wade. You guys can check into the legal implications she faces over this. Hannity thinks like me. Why would Jeb Bush throw our beloved Katherine under the bus like he did?

News out of Florida is that the Repubs are scrambling since Bense won't run. Mac Stipanovich said:

"I'm not sure anyone knew in advance that her fund raising would be so poor, that there would be so many gaffes, that there would be such a staff turnover."

Herald Tribune: "Polls have shown Harris as much as 32 percentage points behind Nelson, and she has struggled to raise money. She has also struggled to distance herself from questions about her dealings with a corrupt defense contractor, who in February admitted in federal court that he gave Harris illegal campaign donations."

georgia10 says Katherine put her foot in her mouth:

COLMES: Did Mitchell offer to hold a fundraiser for you? And did you ask for $10 million that would have gone to benefit his company?

HARRIS: I asked for an appropriation for an authorized naval program in Sarasota, Florida, which would bring a lot of new jobs. So, clearly -- and, in the future, I had hoped that he would host one for me.

COLMES: So there was a quid pro quo?

HARRIS: There was no quid pro quo, ever...read on

(h/t David)

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