Mike's Blog Round Up

Mike's Blog Round Up Confined Space: Five more miners dead. Richard Stickler's name should be withdrawn as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safe

Mike's Blog Round Up

Confined Space: Five more miners dead. Richard Stickler's name should be withdrawn as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health. And it turns out that John Correll, Bush's nominee to head up the Office of Surface Mining at the Dept. Interior, was up to his neck in improper behavior while he was at the MSHA.

Pro and Conrad: The legendary editorial cartoonist, Paul Conrad. Info on a documentary film tribute, cartoon gallery, and more at a beautifully designed site.

Majikthise: Has some recommended reading for ya

Brilliant at Breakfast: Bush to teens saving for college: Go Cheney Yourselves

The Talent Show: The Decline of Western Civilizatio


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