Howard Kurtz, The Power Line Guys And The Schiavio Memo

Howard Kurtz, the Power Line guys, and the Schiavio Memo Eric Boehlert brings us back to the time when Kurtz was rolling over for the Power Line guys

Howard Kurtz, the Power Line guys, and the Schiavio Memo

Eric Boehlert brings us back to the time when Kurtz was rolling over for the Power Line guys. They claimed the Terri Schiavo GOP talking points memo was fake....read on"

Atrios: "Boehlert brings us back to when the right wingers were obsessed with another "forged" memo. What he leaves out is that Howie Kurtz had invited Assrocket to come on his show to discuss this theory, though the Pope's death bumped him. Generally, Kurtz heavily promoted Assrocket's "theory" in his WaPo column.."

When Mel Martinez admitted the memo was real, I did a big round up (at the time I was fairly new in the blogosphere) called: Worst Blog of the Year: Power Line.

Armando was hip to Kurtz's role also: Egg on his Face: Kurtz Burned by Powerline.

To this day, Howard Kurtz still has Hinderaker on his CNN show "Reliable Sources." How reliable of him.

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