Jean Sarah Rohe On Countdown

Jean Sara Rohe on Countdown I hope I have the sequence correct. Many of you are aware of Jean Sara Rohe's graduation speech which she changed after

Jean Sara Rohe on Countdown

I hope I have the sequence correct. Many of you are aware of Jean Sara Rohe's graduation speech which she changed after learning that John McCain's would be following hers at The New School. She then wrote an article at the Huffington Post to explain her rationale behind her remarks. This led to McCain's staffer Mark Salter to write a scathing article in which he called her an idiot. Rohe then responded the following day saying: I'm sad to see that Mr. Salter intentionally misinterpreted my writing, presumably to hurt my feelings and frighten me into silence.

Jean joined Keith Olbermann to discuss what transpired.

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Rohe: ...the fact that we were graduating, this was our graduation, that this was our big day. It was much more of a stump speech for Senator McCain and I felt that that was completely out of place and, of course I had the privilege of knowing what the Senator was going to say before he said it so I was prepared for that.

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