Now Bush Is Worried About 'Demeaning' His Political Opponents?

Now Bush is worried about 'demeaning' his political opponents? In his speech to the National Restaurant Association the other day, Bush had the chut

Now Bush is worried about 'demeaning' his political opponents?

In his speech to the National Restaurant Association the other day, Bush had the chutzpah to argue that political opponents should be nicer to one another.

"[T]here's too much politics in Washington these days. There really is. And so my worry is, not so much about Jeb, but when people take a look at Washington and say, why mess with it? Why do I want to put my family through it all? And my advice to them is, one, it's worth it. But my advice, also, to all of us in public office is not to demean somebody because you don't agree with them. At least, in the debate, be considerate of the other person's point of view."

Somehow, Bush managed to offer the comments with a straight face. He's a better actor than I give him credit for. Given the president's rhetorical record, the message certainly doesn't match the messenger.

- Guest Post by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report

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