Rep. Jerry Lewis Under Fire
Georgia10 reminds me: MSNBC: "You may not have heard of him, but Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., is one of the most powerful members of Congress, c
Georgia10 reminds me:
"You may not have heard of him, but Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., is one of the most powerful members of Congress, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, which controls hundreds of billions of dollars."
Lisa Myers: You were allowed to write language for an appropriations bill yourself?
Casey: Yes, I did. That was Congressman Lewis' suggestion.
Casey says Lewis repeatedly urged him to hire a lobbyist, former U.S. Rep. Bill Lowery, Lewis' close friend, and when that didn't happen, pressed for another favor.
Casey: Congressman Lewis asked me to set up stock options for Bill Lowery in our company.
Today, the Washington Post reports on more possible corruption.