Plame Panel
With Froomkin, Waas, Hamsher, Empty Wheel, Wilson, Larry Johnson...on C-Span II right now... Christy: Here's a link to C-Span. Note that they have f
With Froomkin, Waas, Hamsher, Empty Wheel, Wilson, Larry Johnson...on C-Span II right now...
Here's a link to C-Span. Note that they have front-paged the YearlyKos coverage news, which is fantastic for progressives because more people will get exposed to the fact that most of us here are just every day people-lots of gray hair in the audience, many professionals, everyone getting active in politics. Truly an energizing and amazing weekend thus far, and it’s only Friday!
Also, Air America will be streaming the panel live as well. And I am told the Young Turks may be doing the same. And also, LinkTV is doing direct video from the conference and posting it to their website. So lots of choices for those who want to get in on the Plame Panel --I know that was a big one for a lot of the folks who had to miss out on the conference this year, so I wanted to get you the information so you wouldn’t have to miss it after all.