Fitzgerald Does Not Anticipate Seeking Charges Against Rove

NY Times: The decision by the prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, announced in a letter to Mr. Rove’s lawyer, Robert D. Luskin, lifted a pall tha

NY Times: The decision by the prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, announced in a letter to Mr. Rove’s lawyer, Robert D. Luskin, lifted a pall that had hung over Mr. Rove who testified on five occasions to a federal grand jury about his involvement in the disclosure of an intelligence officer’s identity. In a statement, Mr. Luskin said, "On June 12, 2006, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl on"

Sad, No!: Oh jeebus, come on:

I reached Truthout editor Marc Ash on his cell phone this morning. “I wasn’t aware that he had said that,” he said of Luskin’s announcement, but insisted that Truthout was “absolutely” standing by its earlier reporting.“We’ve done a lot of work on this story, we’ve talked to a lot of people,” he said, “and some of the people who provided information for the story are absolutely in a position to know.”

Jeralyn hints that Leopold's sources were possibly from Patton Boggs. Will he out his sources as promised? Leopold will be on The Ed Schultz Show at 12:30 PST

Kos has something to say about Armando and sources: This is the reality based community, not the "make up your own reality" community. Conservatives already own the trademark to that name. Be properly skeptical of everything you on

Christy writes about the case here and: Some Things to Contemplate

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