O'Reilly Vs Condi
Bill O'Reilly went to Gitmo to interrogate the interrogaters. And yes, Jon Stewart was there too... [media id=15505]-WMP [media id=15506]-QT O'Reil
O'Reilly: Just hours after I left the prison at Gitmo last Friday, three detainees committed suicide...
Stewart: I can't believe they lasted that long after an O'Reilly visit...
O'Reilly:The Guantanamo controversy is easy to define: The Bush administration sees the 460 detainees as prisoners of war. The liberal press and some human rights groups believe they are criminals entitled to due process...
Condi:These people at Guantanamo Bay are unlawful combatants, that is they're not prisoners of war.
Stewart: Methinks Bill O'Reilly needs to pay closer attention to what the White House wants him to say.