Murtha To Rove: He's Sitting In His Air-conditioned Office On His Big- Fat Backside- Saying Stay The Course!
From Meet the Press: [media id=15507]-WMP [media id=15508]-QT Russert: Cutting and Running MURTHA: He's in New Hampshire. He's making a politica
From Meet the Press:
Russert: Cutting and Running
MURTHA: He's in New Hampshire. He's making a political speech. He’s sitting in his air-conditioned office on his big, fat backside-saying stay the course. That’s not a plan! We've got to change direction. You can't sit there in the air-conditioned office and tell troops carrying seventy pounds on their backs, inside these armored vessels-hit with IED's every day-seeing their friends blown up-their buddies blown up-and he says stay the course? Easy to say that from Washington, DC.
What was Rove's military service again?
Developing...(Anyone want to write a full transcript?)