Limbaugh Lies...

Arthur: Just a couple of minutes into the program, Limbaugh read an email from a listener, who wondered if "the left will say the soldiers deser


Just a couple of minutes into the program, Limbaugh read an email from a listener, who wondered if "the left will say the soldiers deserved it," and who went on to say he was "so sick of the cut-and-run liberals." After reading the email, Limbaugh said he had gone to the "wacko lefty" sites to see what they were saying. Sure enough! "They're happy these two soldiers got tortured! Good riddance to them!" Limbaugh said the crazed left would use these deaths to say once again that this "war" was going nowhere, that we're losing, etc. (All paraphrases, but close to fully accurate; I was taking notes, since I knew what would be coming.)...read on"

Not surprising that Limbaugh would lie. He would not be talking about us if we didn't matter.

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