Murray Waas: Surviving Cancer

Howard Kurtz has a piece up about Murray Waas and his battle with cancer. Waas says his near-death experience made him more determined to report on h

Howard Kurtz has a piece up about Murray Waas and his battle with cancer.

Waas says his near-death experience made him more determined to report on how the country got into both Persian Gulf wars, with their life-and-death stakes. After watching on Capitol Hill when the first Gulf War resolution was approved in 1991, Waas interviewed two men at the Vietnam War Memorial who said two of their friends had died in that war and questioned why the United States was getting into another one. He saw in this "the mirror image of my own life" -- the unresolved questions about why his cancer was missed -- and vowed to fully investigate the war. Cancer almost cost me my life, but the experience led me to do the most important reporting of my career," he says...read on

Murray writes his own at The Huffington Post: "A Reporter's Bias"

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