TDS: The Miami Seven
Jon Stewart takes a look at the case known to many as "The Miami Seven." He examines the careful and decisive evidence told to us by Alber
Jon Stewart takes a look at the case known to many as "The Miami Seven." He examines the careful and decisive evidence told to us by Alberto Gonzales:
Gonzales: These individuals wish to wage a quote: "full ground war against the United States."
Stewart: Seven guys? I'm not a general. I am not anyway affiliated with the military academy, but I believe if you were going to wage a full ground war against the United States, you need to field at least as many people as say a softball team.
Please Alberto, don't take any questions-you were doing just fine up until then. That was followed up by some careful analysis of the men involved in the plot.
A: One of the individuals was familiar with the Sears Tower- had worked in Chicago and had been there-so was familiar with the tower, but in terms of the plans it was more aspirational rather than operational.
Stewart: No weapons, no actual contact with al-Qaeda, but one of them had been to Chicago...