
An emailer sent these in from NiemanWatchdog: Questions the press should ask: Larry Wilkerson: Dogging the Torture Story Reporters should demand tha

An emailer sent these in from NiemanWatchdog: Questions the press should ask:

Larry Wilkerson: Dogging the Torture Story

Reporters should demand that the two men most responsible for acts of torture by U.S. forces explain themselves, writes Colin Powell’s formerchief of staff -- who says a paper trail clearly links the practice of prisoner abuse to the upper reaches of the Pentagon and Vice PresidentCheney's office.

Philip E. Coyle: Our missile defense system is an expensive bluff

Which is Bush’s position: A) Our missile defense system can now defend the U.S., or B) It’s too new to predict success, or C) It has a reasonable chance of knocking out anything North Korea shoots at us? If you chose all three you would be correct; those are the answers Bush gave on July 6 and 7. And if you said the system flat out doesn’t work, you’d also be correct.

Henry Banta : Speculators – not supply and demand – are to blame for skyrocketing gas prices

A bipartisan Senate report, largely ignored by the media, says that there's no oil shortage and none is expected. Rather, it's massive, unregulated speculation that is costing consumers billions of dollars – and vastly enriching people like T. Boone Pickens.

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