America's Awful Mayor

Atrios leads on Giuliani with some text from a new book about Rudy: Second perhaps only to John McCain, Saint Rudy gets more scrutiny-free tongue bat

Atrios leads on Giuliani with some text from a new book about Rudy:

Second perhaps only to John McCain, Saint Rudy gets more scrutiny-free tongue baths from the media than just about everyone.This is all due to the incredible ability he showed on 9/11 to get on TV and appear calm and in charge which, while admittedly welcome after the president failed even that meager test of leadership, said little about his ability to actually oversee the competent management of an emergency...read on

The talking heads have have their guy as the '08 President and it's Giuliani:


MATTHEWS: Well, you also have a bigger house, probably.Let me ask you about Rudy Giuliani. We just had a little joust off camera, I‘m always told don‘t waste it off camera. I believe he‘s not only running, I think he‘s going to win the whole thing come around the next election, the way things look right now.

BACKUS: Rudy Giuliani is not going to get through the Iowa caucuses. I mean, you‘re looking in the state of Iowa where you have more of the sort of extremes of both parties control the caucus process. He‘ll raise some money, he‘s got some problems, Bernard Kerik was not a really stellar moment for his administration. And I just think anybody who is pro-choice, pro-gay rights, it‘s a huge problem.

MATTHEWS: Here‘s my thought. I want to throw it out again, I‘m not going to argue again. I‘ve got a position, I think he‘s going to win the next presidential election, but let me tell you something. I think the No. 1 issue, check me on this, both of you, you first, is security the No. 1 issue in the country right now?

BACKUS: Absolutely, not even a question.

MATTHEWS: Security on the streets, walking at home tonight with your kids, being safe in your apartment or your home, is the No. 1 issue in the country?

BACKUS: Absolutely.

MATTHEWS: OK, who‘s tougher than him on security out there, Democrat or Republican?

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