Katherine Harris: More People Are Quitting

They are deserting a sinking ship. Political Insider : A lot of political blogs are reporting Katherine Harris is losing more than just her campaign

They are deserting a sinking ship.

Political Insider :

A lot of political blogs are reporting Katherine Harris is losing more than just her campaign communications director, Chris Ingram. We reported Ingram’s departure in today’s Herald-Tribune.

The National Journal’s Hotline is reporting through unnamed sources that Harris campaign manager Glenn Hodas and her field director Pat Thomas have also quit. We have received similar tips, but have yet to confirm them. Harris’ remaining staff is denying that there have been more defections. In a statement to the press, her campaign says: “Harris has only accepted the resignation of Chris Ingram.”
Harris’ new campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Marks has not returned phone calls seeking comments, but we are trying to get it confirmed.

Hodas, Thomas and Ingram were all hired in April after her previous campaign staff walked out on her at the end of March.

Jim Dornan, a former campaign manager for Harris, said the Longboat Key Republican is just very difficult to work with. He said Harris doesn’t listen to advice enough and is very demanding of staff.

Here are some of the top level advisors in her campaign office that have quit during the last nine months:

From the campaign:
Ed Rollins, political advisor
Ed Goeas, pollster
Adam Goodman, media consultant
Jim Dornan, campaign manager
Jamie Miller campaign manager,
Nancy Watkins, campaign treasurer
Timothy Beall, assistant treasure
Morgan Dobbs, communications director
Megan Ortagus, field coordinator
Chris Ingram, communications director
Mike Miller, campaign finance director
Anne Dunsmore, national fundraiser
Leah Pitts, deputy finance director of operations
Fred Piccolo Jr, travel assistant

Her congressional office has had major turnover to. Here are top level staff members who have quit since the start of last year:

Fred Asbell, chief of staff
Chris Battle, chief of staff
Sally Tibbetts, district director
Kim Hutchens, district director
Kara Borie, press secretary
David Kinkade, press secretary
Garrison Courtney, press secretary

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