Alberto Gonzales Says Bush Blocked DOJ Investigation On NSA

Alberto Gonzales admitted yesterday that Bush blocked the NSA investigation. When did he become Bush's personal lawyer instead of Attorney General? O

Alberto Gonzales admitted yesterday that Bush blocked the NSA investigation. When did he become Bush's personal lawyer instead of Attorney General? Oh, never mind. Murray Waas explains. I'll have some breaking news later in the day on this. What will it take for these rubber stamp Republicans to finally do something instead of blow smoke up in the air to make believe they actually care our constitution matters?

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SPECTER: Now when you had the first line of review, Mr. Attorney General, by OPR, why wasn’t OPR given clearance as so many other lawyers in the Department of Justice were given clearance?

GONZALES: Mr. Chairman, you and I had lunch several weeks ago, and we had a discussion about this. And during this lunch, I did inform you that the terrorist surveillance program is a highly-classified program. It’s a very important program for the national security of this country –

Thanks to Think Progress for the transcript

SPECTER: Highly-classified, very important, many other lawyers in the Justice Department had clearance. Why not OPR?

GONZALES: And the President of the United States ultimately makes decisions about who ultimately is given access –

SPECTER: Did the President make the decision not to clear OPR?

GONZALES: As with all decisions that are non-operational in terms of who has access to the program, the President of the United States makes the decision because this is such an important program –

SPECTER: I want to move on to another subject. The President makes the decision and that’s that.

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