O'Reilly And Laura

First of all-what O'Reilly is saying is a lie. He just can't handle any type of scrutiny. O'REILLY: They can lie. They can give directions to our hom

First of all-what O'Reilly is saying is a lie. He just can't handle any type of scrutiny.

O'REILLY: They can lie. They can give directions to our homes.

INGRAHAM: So what?

O'REILLY: OK. Well, puts us some physical danger, Number 1.

I seem to remember Bill sending his security team to intimidate us. O'Reilly should look at some of the right wing sites that he's so fond of and all the intimidation tactics they use. Glenn outlined it here. O'Reilly is a coward that will never put on his show the people that he smears. Of course, he'll attack anyone that he asks to go on his show that refuse. And then Laura calls him a big, WATB. via Media Matters:

O'REILLY: Laura, here's how it works. It intimidates good people who may want to come into the public arena as politicians or commentators. It intimidates them. They don't want to put themselves --

INGRAHAM: I disagree. I hate to disagree with you, Bill, but I disagree. If someone is intimidated by George Soros and Media Matters, then they have no business being in politics or in our business. If you can't stand up for what you think is right and for the values that you think most Americans hold and for what you think is good for this country, then get out of the game, get out of the kitchen, whatever you want to call it, because these people are going to do that.

(h/t Atrios)

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