TDS: Stem Cell Redux

Jon Stewart follows up on yesterday's stem cell segment by digging in and exposing the real hypocrisy behind Bush's veto---Iraq. Stewart also highlig

Jon Stewart follows up on yesterday's stem cell segment by digging in and exposing the real hypocrisy behind Bush's veto---Iraq. Stewart also highlights Tony Snow's statements and justifications that are amazingly insipid.

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Bush: I think it's important to promote a culture of life...A society where every being counts, every person matters.

Stewart: Every. Being. Counts. Every. Person. Matters.

Bush:: How many Iraq citizens have died in this war? Umm. I would say 30,000 more or less...

Stewart: Each one precious...

Using discarded embryos to find cures that will help people is considered murder, but people getting killed in wars are just regrettable side effects.

Stewart: It's not murder, it's lamentable side effects.

Snow: You do not want to create undue carnage with civilians.

Stewart: Yes, you want to create due carnage with civilians.

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