Howard Stern Slams Lieberman

Howard Stern goes after Lieberman hard and his team do know many of the issues that surround this election. [media id=15797] -MP3 (uncensored) Gary

Howard Stern goes after Lieberman hard and his team do know many of the issues that surround this election.

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Gary, his producer, is voting for Lamont. He brought up Holy Joe's support for censorship.

Stern: All the Democrats in CT are like...you know what? Lieberman's looking a little too Republican for us with his religious ranting and all of his morality crap.

Robin: In fact, at one point, the President-- walking up the aisle at one of his SOTU addresses or something--kissed Lieberman..

Stern: Yea, they made out. So I think Democrats in CT have had enough of him...

Robin: And guess what, Lieberman is fighting a little dirty...

Robin: It was him who was with William Bennett (plays Lieberman audio)

full transcript:

STERN: You know who I like, if I can switch to politics from Mike Walker. I like that that guy Senator Lieberman in Connecticut is getting his balls busted. Do you know what’s going on in Connecticut?

ROBIN: Oh yeah. There’s lots of good stuff going on.

STERN: It’s pretty cool. Lieberman’s been a big proponent of the war in Iraq. He’s been backing Bush and all that kind of stuff. So all the, uh…you know…all the Democrats in Connecticut are like, “You know what? Lieberman’s looking a little too Republican for us with all his religious ranting, and all of his, like, morality crap and…”

ROBIN: In fact, at one point the President, walking up the aisle from one of his, um, State of the Union Addresses or something kissed Lieberman.

STERN: Yeah, they made out.

ROBIN: Yeah.

STERN: So, I think Democrats in Connecticut have had enough of him. So there’s a primary going on. So they put up this unknown guy, and his only issue is, “I’m against the war in Iraq.” And guess what? He’s ahead by four points in the, uh, poll. He’s gonna be the Democratic nominee.

ROBIN: And guess what? Lieberman is fighting a little dirty. He keeps telling…telling everybody, “The guy’s rich!” (laughs)

STERN: Yeah, he’s rich!

ROBIN: Like that’s a bad thing.

STERN: Why is that bad, that he’s rich?

MAN: Isn’t Bush rich?

STERN: Yeah, Bush is rich.

ROBIN: Yeah, he’s Bush-rich, and everybody else-rich.

STERN: I’ll bet you Lieberman’s rich.

MAN: They’re all rich.

STERN: Right. I guess there’s degrees of rich.

MAN: Well definitely, but…

ROBIN: You know, ‘cause they were…yeah. This weekend it was like…Oh…they…the guy finally released a tax return. And Lieberman’s like, “Yeah, well, he’s not being completely open about it because he won’t release his other tax return.”

STERN: Wouldn’t you need to be rich to be, uh, to go into the Senate, quite frankly? I mean, think about it.

ROBIN: Well, Lieberman’s saying he’s buying the election.

GARY: They’re saying, they’re saying that when push comes to shove, that this guy can go toe-to-toe and just buy commercials every day against Lieberman, and never run out of money.

STERN: Who are you gonna vote for, Gary? You’re up in Connecticut.

GARY: I’m gonna vote for Lamont. I don’t like Lieberman because Lieberman was way against us. He was all about the censorship, and that we should be taken off the air and all that crap.

ROBIN: In fact it was him who was with William Bennett when they used have that little, um, what do they…the golden pig award or some stupid award they used to give out.

LIEBERMAN: …by virtue of these two decisions this year, has become as much a standard-shredder as a standard-setter. The network that once gave us Edward R. Murrow, and Jack Benny, and has more recently given us Dan Rather and Dr. Quinn chose this year to dump Dr. Death and Dr. Depravity into the public square, and into our homes. It was, after all, Howard Stern who proudly predicted back in April, as Bill said, that his show would bring television standards to an all-time low. He could not have anticipated that the great 60 Minutes would follow him in that direction, with its misguided decision to air the videotape of Dr. Kevorkian killing Thomas Youk on its November twenty-second broadcast.

STERN: What’s any of that got to do with running this country? Shut the fuck up, dude. No one cares, if you’re a United States senator what television you approve of or not. No offense.

ROBIN: We can handle the TV.

STERN: That ain’t Kansas. Connecticut’s pretty sophisticated, dude. They’re not gonna fall for that rap.

MAN: I’m surprised Bill Bennett could, uh, tear himself away from a slot machine long enough to make a speech.

STERN: Well trust me, he made it from the slot machine. He was actually standing next to one. He was pulling the lever while he was badmouthing me.

MAN: I bet after the last election Lieberman was probably like…and maybe some of his advisors…the only kind of Democrat that’s gonna get elected is one that acts Republican. But that’s backfired on them now because clearly…

ROBIN: Yeah, they wanted a Democrat.

STERN: Because he wanted…remember he ran for Vice President with Al Gore. And, you know, he was gonna be conservative. Plus he’s a Jewish guy, so it would appeal to all those yahoos. He had to look like he was more of a religious nut than even George Bush.

MAN: Definitely, you know. But I mean now, since the election, you know…people are…you know, a lot of people are seeing the war was probably a bad idea. And Bush’s approval rating is low, so this Lieberman move might be badly timed.

STERN: Well you certainly have to admit the President…I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican…you gotta admit the President’s been running the war horribly. And the fact of the matter is that Lieberman’s there, his biggest cheerleader. You wanna put on a dress and fucking jump up and down. So now the people in Connecticut are going, “You know what? We don’t care. We’re gonna go vote for this other guy and get rid of you.” But the sad part is, Lieberman’s gonna run as an Independent, and then the Republican…most Republicans are gonna vote for Lieberman. And he’s gonna win anyway.

ROBIN: Well I don’t know. You know, there is a Republican candidate.

STERN: I know, but the Republicans love Lieberman.

ROBIN: Really? You think that they’ll all go…they won’t even vote for a real Republican? They’ll vote for Lieberman?

STERN: Yeah, because they’re moderate Republicans over there in Connecticut. So, it’s a (unintelligible).

ROBIN: Actually, the Republicans are looking for a better Republican to run. The one they have running against Lieberman right now isn’t all that good-looking.

STERN: Yeah. You need a better-looking Republican.

ROBIN: I meant, you know, he had to announce that, yeah, he had a couple of bad gambling debts that he didn’t pay, and junk like that.

STERN: I meant that Lieberman’s so hot, you gotta find another Brad Pitt. So anyway, I just dig that Connecticut’s screwing around with this guy, and it’s not a lock for him.

(h/t by Kevin)

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