Condi Plays The Piano....
I saw this on CNN this morning: In keeping with her mood and to reflect the world crises she tackles daily, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
In keeping with her mood and to reflect the world crises she tackles daily, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice plans to play a somber piece of music to her Asian colleagues in Malaysia this week."It is not a time that is frivolous. It is a serious time. I will play something that is in accordance with my serious mood," said Rice, who had just attended a conference in Rome aimed at helping resolve the Lebanon crisis.---Rice said she would not be comfortable singing show tunes.
She's working on a piano recital that captures the mood instead of doing her job. That's it, play the right piece of music and everything will be fine. Why am I suddenly thinking of Nero?
(h/t Liberal Catnip)