Condi Plays The Piano....

I saw this on CNN this morning: In keeping with her mood and to reflect the world crises she tackles daily, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

I saw this on CNN this morning:

In keeping with her mood and to reflect the world crises she tackles daily, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice plans to play a somber piece of music to her Asian colleagues in Malaysia this week."It is not a time that is frivolous. It is a serious time. I will play something that is in accordance with my serious mood," said Rice, who had just attended a conference in Rome aimed at helping resolve the Lebanon crisis.---Rice said she would not be comfortable singing show tunes.

She's working on a piano recital that captures the mood instead of doing her job. That's it, play the right piece of music and everything will be fine. Why am I suddenly thinking of Nero?

(h/t Liberal Catnip)

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