Frist Says: Staying The Course In Iraq

Bill Frist was on Hannity and Colmes last night to give his insight into the mid-term elections. "We're for tax cuts. They're for tax hikes. We

Bill Frist was on Hannity and Colmes last night to give his insight into the mid-term elections.

"We're for tax cuts. They're for tax hikes. We're for staying the course in Iraq and the War on Terror. They're for cutting and running"

So Frist reaffirms the Republicans' position of "staying the course in Iraq", while flat out lying by saying the Democrats want to "cut and run" from the War on Terror.

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The best part comes at the end of the interview when Hannity gives his little commentary on the Lieberman/Lamont race:

"Republicans don't go try and torture someone who has different points of view like Senator Lieberman".

Of course, we all know who Hannity stands behind in the Connecticut primary.

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