Pat Roberts: More Hackery

I believe it was Feinstein who said they could have this report in a matter of months right before the '04 election. Cheney's got Roberts on a short s

I believe it was Feinstein who said they could have this report in a matter of months right before the '04 election. Cheney's got Roberts on a short string. Harry Reid better not let this go.

Roberts's spokeswoman Sarah Ross Little said the slow pace is partially the result of Roberts's desire to give members a chance for input. She said Roberts will make public the two completed sections "when they are approved by the committee and have been declassified," rather than wait for the other three to be done, as well. If the sections are not approved by the committee next week, they will have to wait until members return from recess in September.

The section most Democrats have sought, however, is not yet in draft form and might not emerge until after the November election, staffers said. That section will examine the administration's deliberations over pre-war intelligence and whether its public presentation of the threat reflected the evidence senior officials reviewed in private.

(h/t Intoxination)

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