Olbermann's Factor Fiction
Earlier Media Matters posted about Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera going after the "smear merchants" and "vampires" that dare t
Earlier Media Matters posted about Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera going after the "smear merchants" and "vampires" that dare to criticize Mel Gibson:
On his Fox News program, Bill O'Reilly called Mel Gibson's recent anti-Semitic comments "inexcusable," but said it is "more important" to discuss the "point where the media and individual Americans start to enjoy the suffering of rich and powerful people." Guest Geraldo Rivera later suggested that O'Reilly refer to "that schmuck from MSNBC," apparently MSNBC host Keith Olbermann; Rivera added that the "schmuck from MSNBC" is a "lowlife." Rivera also asserted that Comedy Central hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert "make a living putting on video of old ladies slipping on ice and people laughing" and that they "exist in a small little place where they count for nothing."
Well tonight we get the first rebuttal of this latest media war, with Olbermann responding in a segment called "Factor Fiction".
Olbermann really gets on Geraldo when Geraldo dares to attack Olbermann's ratings.
"I can't even get a rating? You (Geraldo) can't even get a primetime show"
Oh Snap! Hopefully Stewart and Colbert will have nice rebuttals tonight as well.
(Guest Blogged by Jamie of IntoxiNation)