Mike's Blog Round Up
Baghdad Burning: Slouching toward chaos... Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Warren Moon was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame yeaterday. C
Baghdad Burning: Slouching toward chaos...
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Warren Moon was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame yeaterday. Coming out of U. of Washington in 1978, the All American quarterback was told that no NFL franchise would draft him as a quarterback...because he was black. That was a mere 18 years ago.
A Tiny Revolution: Interested in knowing who some of the experts are that the White Houseconsults when shaping foreign? This may give you some insight...and scare the be-jeebus out of ya...
The Left Coaster: Oil gougers enjoy record profits but wont maintain their supply lines
Pandagon: The founder of 'Girls Gone Wild" assaulted an LA Times reporter, then claimed she had a crush on him. Surprised?
Happy birthday to blogenlust.