LGF Investigated By The FBI

Well, well, well--who would have ever thought this could happen. Greg: Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a ci

Well, well, well--who would have ever thought this could happen.


Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights organization often vilified on Johnson's blog, calls Little Green Footballs "a vicious, anti-Muslim hate site . . . that has unfortunately become popular." The irony, Hooper says, is that if the same kind of "hatred" that appears on LGF appeared on Muslim sites, it soon would be used by LGF's fans to justify their worldview...

The FBI, according to Hooper, recently investigated several threats of physical harm against Muslims posted by Little Green Footballs readers. Johnson acknowledges the investigation but says Hooper's organization initiated the complaints to try to stifle free speech on his blog...read on

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