Former CIA Contractor Convicted Of Abuse

From Reuters: A former CIA contractor was found guilty on Thursday of assaulting an Afghan prisoner who later died in a case that raised new question

From Reuters:

A former CIA contractor was found guilty on Thursday of assaulting an Afghan prisoner who later died in a case that raised new questions about the treatment of detainees by U.S. interrogators.

David Passaro, a former Special Forces medic, was convicted on one felony charge of assault causing serious injury and three misdemeanor counts of simple assault. He was the first civilian to be charged with abusing a detainee in the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

During a trial that started on August 7, prosecutors said Passaro beat Abdul Wali so badly he pleaded to be shot to end his pain. Wali died of his injuries two days after the interrogation in June 2003.

Let's hope this is a sign of things to come. With this conviction, his superiors should now be dragged into court and convicted as well. It will probably never happen.....

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