It's All About Him

New Haven: Lieberman -- who after losing an Aug. 8 Democratic primary to Ned Lamont has launched a third-party bid to hold onto his seat in the Nov.

New Haven:

Lieberman -- who after losing an Aug. 8 Democratic primary to Ned Lamont has launched a third-party bid to hold onto his seat in the Nov. 7 general election -- was asked whether he still endorses Diane Farrell, Joe Courtney and Chris Murphy, three Democrats looking to unseat endangered Republican incumbents Chris Shays, Rob Simmons and Nancy Johnson.

“I’m a non-combatant,” Lieberman declared. “I am not going to be involved in other campaigns. I think it’s better if I just focus on my own race.”

I think Harry Reid should give him the boot now.

CTblogger has more....

Also another great diary is from joejoejoe about Lieberman's Katrina leadership...If you have the time--go watch Joe Lieberman lead the nomination of Michael D. Brown to be Deputy Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It shows true incompetence.

Lamontblog asks Dan Gerstein to explain why "Sen. Lieberman played an active role in weakening FEMA, against the advice of many experts, which, along with a complete lack of oversight of DHS, resulted in the post-Katrina disaster last year."...It's simply amazing. They also include a video of Holy Joe on FOX defending FEMA Brown.

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