Mike's Blog Round Up
Where in Washington, D.C. is Reverend Moon? Moonies smash up newsroom, threaten to kill reporter. Moonboots has more... and Blogesque reports that a G
Where in Washington, D.C. is Reverend Moon? Moonies smash up newsroom, threaten to kill reporter. Moonboots has more... and Blogesque reports that a GOP Moonie is running for the Iowa House of Representatives. Also this: Washington Times illegal alien fund & Moon’s billions that moved us right
AGITPROP: More Holy Crap...our unhinged fundies are superior to theirs. And so are our cults.... and our TV shows ...and yes, works of mercy will be punished.
Schneier on Security: BushCo policies give terrorists what they want
Night Bird's Fountain: Never forget that Bush failed, before and after, in New Orleans. Arguably the worst internal disaster in American history.
The Reality-Based Community: G-Dub and Groucho
The Effing Truth: A group of short posts, discussing why voting "For" something is just as important as voting against the incompetent criminals now in power