Paul Hackett Takes On The Right Wing Talking Points

Last night things got really heated on The O'Reilly Factor when Dan Senor and Paul Hackett started debating Iraq and Rumsfeld's comments this week.


Last night things got really heated on The O'Reilly Factor when Dan Senor and Paul Hackett started debating Iraq and Rumsfeld's comments this week.

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Hackett did not hold back at all during this debate, and even got digs in on Senor and the $9 billion missing from the CPA. Senor keeps trolling the rightwing talking points during this debate, but Hackett would not let it go unchallenged. Hackett questioned the use of troops to paint schools and doing the actual rebuilding in Iraq (but remember - we are not in the job of nation building), as well as what else can be achieved by our troops staying in Iraq.

What really got to me after listening to this is how guest host John Kasich kept making it a point to say he doesn't support the war in Iraq, which seems to be the new rightwing talking point even though they were key enablers for the war at it's beginning. Even more ironic is how they can sit there and say they don't support the war, yet when someone from the left asks for a plan for withdrawal or a change of course, then they are quickly labeled as "cut and runners" or "terrorist appeasers".

Towards the end the debate turned to the name calling that always surrounds the Iraq debate. Of course Kasich wanted to focus more on what groups like Amnesty International has said and ignores the fact that Hackett, who served in Iraq, was being called names and even having his service questioned last year when he ran against Jean Schmidt. Also, if anyone remembers the debate in Senate a couple of months ago, as well as the previous House debates over Iraq, it is obvious which side of the aisle the majority of the name calling comes from. It wasn't a Democrat that called John Murtha a "coward"; it was Paul Hackett's former opponent.

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