Cressey Calls The ABC 9/11 Movie "Something Out Of Fantasy Land"
Scarborough took on the ABC 9/11 docu-drama last night and former Bush counterterrorism official, Roger Cressey had some choice things to say about
Scarborough took on the ABC 9/11 docu-drama last night and former Bush counterterrorism official, Roger Cressey had some choice things to say about it.
Cressey: "Joe - what's amazing about this based on what I seen so far is how much they got wrong" I mean it’s sheer fantasy. So, if they want to critique the Clinton administration and the Bush administration, based on fact, I think that’s fine. But what ABC has done here is something straight out of Disney and fantasyland. It’s factually wrong. And that’s shameful
Scarborough's choice of a panel was rather interesting. Cressey was the only one who saw the movie for what it is. The other panel members are supportive of the film and downplay the fictitious story line behind it.
CRESSY: Joe, it’s amazing, based on what I’ve seen so far is how much they’ve gotten wrong. They got the small stuff wrong such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed instructing Ahmed Rassam to carry out the millenium attacks. Then they got the big stuff wrong, this fantasy about how we had a CIA officer and the Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Massoud looking at Bin Laden and they breathlessly call the White House to say we need to take him out and the White House said no. I mean it’s sheer fantasy. So, if they want to critique the Clinton administration and the Bush administration, based on fact, I think that’s fine. But what ABC has done here is something straight out of Disney and fantasyland. It’s factually wrong. And that’s shameful.
SCARBOROUGH: But at the same time, doesn’t history show that Bill Clinton had several opportunities to go after bin Laden, but the President and his cabinet were afraid to do so because they may offend some people in the Arab world?
CRESSY: Actually, Joe, that had nothing to do with it. If you read the 9/11 Commission report, it makes it very clear. In most of those cases, George Tenet, the Director of the CIA, said because there was single source intelligence it was his recommendation to the President not to take the shot. There was never a case where we had a clear shot at Bin Laden and the decision to take it wasn’t made.
(h/t Think Progress for the transcript)